it probably has to do with the
I thought you’d never ask, because I’m sure it’s a question that has been keeping you up at night. It sure keeps me up at night, because, well, I’m launching a blog with these four platforms.
Your next question might be, well, why? Because these are four areas of my life that I consider myself to be an expert at.
Not an expert, like Bill Gates is at computers or Oprah Winfrey is at, well, being Oprah Winfrey. But let me start with this, I have been a parent for almost 22- years and I think that qualifies anybody with a medal of parenthood.
Yes, I do.
There have been ups and downs, highs and lows, tears and laughter, but through it all, I wouldn’t trade that job for any in the world.
I have a 21-year old son and a 14-year old daughter that are my world. My late son, Samuel, who I will periodically blog about, would be 18 and graduating from high school.

It’s certainly a bittersweet time for Scott and me. And as I enter the blog-o-sphere, I plan to share some of my heartaches, some of my joys, many of my failures, but plenty of successes as a parent.

Why you might ask? Gosh ya’ll have a lot of questions, but frankly, it’s pretty simple…it’s what I know.
My life, my heart, my world, is wrapped into the three hearts that I helped bring into this world and I want to share that with my readers.
Listen, parenting is not for the faint of heart, and sometimes you just need someone to lean on, to look to, to laugh with, to cry with about your kids. Consider that person me.
It’s a privilege that I take very seriously and I’ll be here blogging away about the many facets of parenting and look forward to your comments about yours.
Home Life
Listen readers, what you will fast discover about me is I can cook, and I mean DELUXE can throw it down.
Now, to be clear, I don’t have fancy culinary credentials…no degree from a Parisian cooking school but where I do have my degree from is my very own kitchen.
Listen, it all really started for me on Ollie Caples Road, when I was in my mid-teens and I think I must have just meandered into the kitchen and scooted my mother over. Well, that’s a lie, I ask her to please scoot over and impart her culinary wisdom to me and let me tell you, it was the start of a great love affair.
Nothing gives me more pleasure than for my family, my friends, acquaintances to be standing around my island waiting to sample my food. I love the smells in my kitchen.
I also love to open my pantry door and alphabetize my spices. Okay, that’s a lie, but I do love to look at them.
I love for my kids to make requests for their favorite foods, even if it’s at 11:00 at night, or for my daddy to call me and ask for a pecan pie.
That’s life for me, plain and simple.
And I want to share that love, that passion with my readers…all four of you. So, get ready for the ride…
Ellie Mae has hit the culinary blog world and you will get a little bit of everything…butter, gluten free, powdered sugar, homemade spaghetti and meatballs, just whatever I want to share.
Small Business
Where do I start? I have a dream…just like the late Martin Luther King, Jr., that started 15 years ago and quite simply, it is the dream that will not die.
Gosh, when I started Alpha-kidZ, I didn’t have a business plan, I was under capitalized and had no idea about distribution. This was a recipe for disaster, and boy, have I had plenty of those through the years.
But hang with me, readers, I’m making the turn and I want you to make it with me. And along the way, I’ll give you advice, inspiration and quite a few “what not to-do’s.”
But like being a parent, who has been gifted with three beautiful children, I was gifted with this company, and I will not quit until I see it reach the goals I have set, or surpass those goals and force me to make new ones. So, buckle your seatbelts.
Well, duh. I’m a children’s book writer for crying out loud and I know it may sound like I’m about to quote national statistics for improving reading levels in the United States of the Universe, but I’m not.
I am however, going to talk about ways to improve your own children’s literacy and reading skills. And like everything else on my blog, it will be fun. Trust me.
So, readers, you won’t see me blogging about fashion (I’m a disaster), politics, or what J-Lo wore to the Oscars.
I’m not saying I won’t periodically make a tiny departure from my platforms, but I want to be a consistent blogger and stick to what I know, and be someone who keeps her readers wondering what in the cat hair she is going to say next.
So, hang on, tune in, share the word and let’s become better friends…I’m looking forward to it.
Question: What are some things you would like to see me blog about that pertain to my four platforms?