(or on the blog)
If you are new to my life (which means you have no idea who in the ding-dong I am), my name is Cindy
Foust and I am an author who lives in small town America.

And I love it.
I love that I know at least one person at the grocery store. I love that my children go the same high school as me and my husband. I love that when I walk in my church on Sunday mornings my pastor hugs my neck and I get to worship God in the church of my choice with my family.
Yep, that’s about as small town as you can get. I have been married to my husband, Scott, for nearly 24 years and we “re-connected” at our 10-year class reunion.
Well, if you want to call it reconnecting because I never connected with him before that, in case your INQUIRING minds want to know. No, sadly, I thought he was a MOW-RON (enunciated just like I typed it) in high school.
Yes, Scott was all popular and had a beautiful girlfriend that was a cheerleader. I played sports and was very unfortunate looking. PLUS, I drove a 1979 Mercury Monarch (except some of the letters on the back were missing and it spelled MO-A-CH…social status seal of death.)
But, as fate would have it, (along with contact lens and the dissolution of Ogilvie home perms), we ran into each other at our 10-year class reunion. I’m telling you now, if we had had Nancy Grace back then, I would have turned him in for being a stalker.
Why? Because I was still operating under the misapprehension that he was a MOW-RON, as he stalked me around the room, but he persistently pursued me and a few weeks later we did in fact have lunch, and the following year, we did in fact, get married.
Fast forward 24 years and here I am writing a blog.
Wait, what?
I know, there’s a lot of filling I’m leaving out of the Oreo, but I’ll get to that soon enough. You will just have to stay synced in to my blog every week, so you don’t get left out of the loop, and there’s nothing worse than being out of the loop.
Well, except an unexpected gas bubble while you are walking down the grocery aisle and there’s nowhere for you to go, you just have to stand there while other shoppers walk by you as they wonder what in the name of all that’s holy you ate.
Yes, that’s worse.
And just so you know, in case you were worried that this would be the same old run-of-the-mill blog, with a blah, blah, blah platform, I did do a lot of research before I launched this big mac. For the last two (long) years to be exact.
And here’s what I know.
Writing a blog is something I have wanted to do for a long time, but I wanted to be prepared for it. After all, I only have 173,000,000 other bloggers to compete with. Easy…right?
You cannot believe the opinions out there about what to do or what to write about or what audience to target. One of the most consistent strategies though, that frankly, has me a little worried, is that the bloggiest should be willing to “help their audience” or “help them solve a problem.”
Incidentally, a bloggist is, like you know, a biologist or orthopedist, only they can’t give shots or prescribe medicine…except some days I bet my readers wish they could take medicine after they read my blog. I’m betting.
Wait, what?
What if the bloggist is the ONE who needs a problem solved or needs help? That is routinely the case with me, as you will notice the more experiences I share.
To be quite honest, though, I’m not sure I can solve my readers problems every day, with every single blog post. I mean, I’m not really Dr. Cindy Foust-heimer, no relation of course to Dr. Ruth Westheimer, who by the way, was just on the Ellen show and she’s 91 and she’s still giving sex advice.
To be clear, I will NOT be giving sex advice on any day of the world. And that’s all I’m going to say about that.
Fortunately, I do know what I can do, and that is impart insight and motivation to my readers, by using much of which has happened to me. This insight will come from my years as a parent, a small business owner, a mom, a cook, a friend and a wife.
And most of the time, I can write it in a way that will make you spit your coffee out while you are reading it. That I will guarantee.
So, do we have a deal? Just keep a box of tissue by your computer, so you can clean the coffee off your keyboard after you read my blog every day.
See, I’m already helping you solve your problems.
Question: Who remembers Ogilvie perms, Mercury Monarchs and Dr. Ruth Westheimer?
Cindy, I am so excited that you have started this blog!! You really have a gift of words…I love that you write the way you talk!! This is going to be so much fun!! Love ya, Dona
Mrs. Dona! Thank you so much for your kind words! This project is a long time coming, but God has continued to give me the motivation to “keep the dream alive!” Love you right back!
So, Cindy Lou, as someone who practically grew up at your now awesome husbands home in high school, he was a MOW-RON! No, seriously he was a typical obnoxious little brother to my high school BFF who we tolerate…I mean loved!! And I am thrilled to see what an amazing man he has become. Love you Scotty!! So glad you are doing this. I miss you and your crazy humor!!
Lori! He did in fact start as a pain, but you are right, he’s turned out pretty amazing! Thank you thank you for visiting my blog. I love your family and it is highly likely Seph will make it in a few blog posts because he’s just so awesome! I miss you, too!
I am so excited about this! Every time I am around you I come away with some bit of insight that was imparted with something that also makes me snort-laugh! Can’t wait for more!
Hi, Lori! Thank you so much! I make it a personal mission to make people snort-laugh, for sure! Let’s try to get together soon! I have just as much fun with you!